Seit der Entführung zweier israelischer Soldaten vor 2 Tagen bombardiert die israelische Armee Ziele im Libanon. Mehr als 60 Zivilisten sind seither ums Leben gekommen, die Infrastruktur wird auf das Level von 1990 zurückgebombt - kurzum die Libanesen werden in ihrer Gesamtheit kollektiv für die Aktivitäten einer Gruppe, der Hizbollah, bestraft.
Hier sind zwei Mails die einem Kommilitonen zu Beginn der Angriffe von zwei jungen Libanesen gesendet wurden. Das Mobilfunknetz im Libanon ist mittlerweile nicht mehr funktionstüchtig. Um die Betreffenden zu schützen wurden die Namen geändert.
Dear ...,
It seems that we,Lebanese, are not allowed to live in peace since every ten to twenty years we have to face different attacks from Israel. I should confess that is wasn't Isreal's fault alone but also Hizbullah's because they kidnapped two Israeli soldiers.
The result of these stupid attacks are the Lebanese Airport, all bridges leading the South of Lebanon and more the death of more than 30 civilians. What the hell are these people doing in the amazing Lebanon.Everytime we want to stand up and make a step forward there must be something happening that would bring us not only 5 but 100 years back. I am so sad. I don't believe what I hear and what I see.
You are the only one who could listen to me and understand what I am saying.Our weapon is to pray and deeply pray to our Heavenly father Jesus christ that things stop there and the war won't continue to include Lebanon as a whole.
thanks for reading this message with deep pain in heart
yours Latif
Dear friends and family,
As you might have already heard, Israel has declared war on Lebanon because Hezbollah (a Lebanese party) kidnapped two of its soldiers and killed eight.After 22 years of recovering from the Lebanese-Israeli war, Lebanon is on the verge of even a greater war.
As I am writing this email, Israeli warplanes are bombing roads, bridges and government installations. They are also closing our borders, air travel as well as sea travel are now also totally blocked. This in turn will put Lebanon under great distress as its need for food, oil, medicines, cloths (all are imported)…. Grows by the minute.
If the situation escalates, more Arab countries are likely to join in, which in turn would get the US involved, thus getting Iran involved…. We might be on the verge of World War III. I hope I'm wrong though.
The purpose of this email is to ask you for your prayers as Lebanon enters this shocking war. Please pray for peace and wisdom for both the Lebanese sides and the Israeli side.There is a great chance I will not be able to check my emails or respond to any, because we use a dialup connection. Our telephone lines will most likely be destroyed sometime today or tomorrow.
Your prayers are greatly appreciated. If anyone can bring peace to the region it is Jesus Christ!May Christ grant you peace and may he hear your prayers,