Discussion with Sami Adnan, political activist and founder of the Baghdad-based group "Workers against Sectarianism".
Since October 1st, massive popular mobilisations in Iraq have been asking for economic redistribution, decrying the theft and corruption through the sectarian political system implemented after the US invasion of 2003. Until now, 350 people have died, 10 000 have been injured. Despite this harsh crackdown, the protests continue.
Sami Adnan, political activist, founder of the group "Workers against Sectarianism", has been part of the protest. In our conversation with Sami, we will ask him: Why are people protesting ? Who are the protestors? What is the background of these protests ? Why is there such a massive crackdown by government and anti-riot forces ? What are the goals of the protestors ? Join dis:orient for a discussion on one of the major uprisings in North Africa and West Asia at the moment.
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