Photo: Danae Panissie
Contextualized within the discussion on authoritarian persistence in the Middle East, this article depicts the UAE’s disbursement of foreign aid to partner countries in the Middle East and Central Asia. It discusses the political rationality and...
Demonstration taking place in Aleppo a week ago. Photo: Abedalrazaq Zaqzoq
Since the cease-fire agreement was settled between the Assad regime and oppositional groups a few weeks ago, civilians all over Syria have started to take to the streets again. They try to continue with what they had started five years ago: a...
A bulwark of terror: the 'Islamic State'. Photo: Voice of America (, Public Domain)
While the international community is focusing on possible negotiations for Syria in Geneva, the self-proclaimed ‘Islamic State’ keeps tightening its brutal grip on civilians. Syrian journalists have now documented the IS’s abusive prison system. By...
Der israelische Premierminister Netanjahu hielt am Dienstag eine Rede vor dem amerikanischen Kongress. Photo: Speaker John Boehner/Flickr (CC BY-NC 2.0)
Für unsere Serie zu den anstehenden Parlamentswahlen in Israel kooperieren wir mit dem israelischen Blog +972 . In einem englischsprachigen Gastbeitrag schildert Noam Sheizaf, wie der amtierende Premier Netanjahu mit seiner Rede vor dem...
"Which Lebanon do you want?" Sign at a demonstration in Beirut for a more secular society, in 2010. Picture: Shakeeb al-Jabri/ Flickr. (CC BY-SA 2.0)
These days, Lebanon has reached an apparent political dead-end. The government has resigned ten months ago, but a new one is not in sight. Decisions are blocked on all levels; inter-sectarian strifes seem to increase. With the war in neighbouring...
 A pro-democracy demonstration in the Bahraini capital Manama from the financial district to Pearl Roundabout in 2011. Photo: Mahmood Al-Yousif (CC)
In 2011, heated protests at Manama’s Pearl Roundabout started calling for political change in Bahrain. The rulers responded in part with force, in part with promises for reform. Almost two years later, repression has tightened, while reforms stall...
Logo der Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Foto: flickr/pockets23
Where is the Palestinian Left in the ongoing debate about the future of the country? In the fourth installment of our series on Palestinian politics, Nassar Ibrahim analyses the role of the various factions - and explains, why they have to grisp...
Verehrung Yasins und Rantisi bei einer Hamas-Wahlkampfveranstaltung in Ramallah. Foto: Wikimedia/Hoheit
Alsharq gives young Palestinians the opportunity to argue which party they would support if there were elections to be held in Palestine. The opinions voiced do by no means express the views of the Alsharq-Team. Today, Mohammed Ayoub Najjar explains...
Büro der Fatah bei Ramallah. Foto: Flickr/Michael.Loadenthal
Alsharq veröffentlicht in einer Sonderreihe junge Perspektiven zu politischen Kräften in Palästina. Wenn morgen Wahlen wären, welche Partei sollte man wählen? Teil I: die Fatah. In Palästina lahmt der parlamentarische Prozess seit dem Wahlsieg der...
Foto: flickr/unclebumpy
Im zweiten Teil des Alsharq-Irak-Fokus wirft Schluwa Sama im Interview mit Nadje Al-Ali, Aktivistin und Professorin für Gender-Studies mit Schwerpunkt Irak an der School of Oriental and African Studies in London (SOAS), einen Blick auf die...
Liebe Leserinnen und Leser, Die in Haifa ansässige Jugend-NGO Baladna (dt. Unser Land) setzt sich vor allem mit bildungspolitischen Belangen der palästinensischen Minderheit in Israel auseinander. Ihr Leiter Nadim Nashif analysiert bei Alsharq die...
On January 22nd, Israelis elected a new parliament. Counter to what had been expected, the right wing lost vis-à-vis center-left parties, though still winning by a small margin. That might not be too bad at all for the prospect of peace with the...
