"Which Lebanon do you want?" Sign at a demonstration in Beirut for a more secular society, in 2010. Picture: Shakeeb al-Jabri/ Flickr. (CC BY-SA 2.0)
These days, Lebanon has reached an apparent political dead-end. The government has resigned ten months ago, but a new one is not in sight. Decisions are blocked on all levels; inter-sectarian strifes seem to increase. With the war in neighbouring...
I am asking myself these days what children will be told in school about the ‘Arab Spring’ in ten to twenty years. What their textbooks will read like about the events that were triggered in 2011, when a young Tunisian man called Mohammed Bouazizi...
"The people demand the downfall of the regime". Photo: Mariam Soliman/Flickr (https://www.flickr.com/photos/98448529@N06/9216820981/, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
Johannes Gunesch arbeitet in Kairo. In einem englischen Gastbeitrag schildert er seine Eindrücke vom 28. Januar, dem „Tag des Zorns“, an dem hunderttausende Ägypter trotz der Abschaltung von Internet und Mobilfunknetzen gegen das Regime...
